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Chargers Update


Updated: Aug 30, 2020

  1. Training sessions (We are changing night and venues)

  2. Safety protocols (training, around the game)

  3. Membership (sign up, update, costs, benefits)

  4. Get involved in the running of your club (join the committee)

Unprecedented has become the most used word in the English language over the past five months. But it is probably the best word to describe a year that will be remembered for a lifetime; a year that has tested every aspect of both our family, social and working lives.

Of course, we are not through the devastation wreaked by Covid-19. Much as we are all trying to usher the pandemic to the history books as quickly as we can, we have to remain cautious and vigilant.

We are aware and empathetic to the fact it’s affected different people in different ways and we aim to play our part to create a safe place to come and train, whilst distracting you from the madness surrounding us all. It’s a great reason to get fresh air, to learn, interact with others, get/keep fit and most importantly, have fun.


When: Mondays 19:00 - 20:15 (up until and including August 31st) Where: Hough End.

Cost: FOC

We will shortly lose the light on Monday’s and so we are planning to move back to floodlit facilities on Wednesday 2nd September.


When: Wednesdays 20:00 (from and including Wednesday 2nd September)

Where: Wright Robinson College - M18 8RL. Googlemap link

Costs: Members FOC / Non Member £5. Please see membership information below.

To attend training you must:

Note: Only book sessions you will 100% attend but only attend if you are clear of any Covid-19 symptoms


Based on the current government advice, as of 12/8/2020, we are currently at STAGE 3: PLAY of the Return To Play process and are implementing the following all Touch activity:

- Training

  • Game play is now permitted.

  • All participants must maintain social distancing.

  • A maximum of 30 people is permitted.

- Around the game Please ensure the following protocols are continued to be implemented across all Touch activity:

  • Personal sanitisation prior to, during and immediately post each session.

  • Participants should bring their own sanitiser to all Touch activity.

  • Minimise the use of public transport and car-sharing when possible.

  • Minimise the dwell time prior to and post activity and ensuring you come ready to train wherever possible.

We will be maintenance a robust record for track and trace. Ensuring that all participants are registered accurately with relevant contact information prior to the commencement of any training.


We all need to do our part to eradicate the virus, and therefore continue to follow the guidelines. If you, or anyone in your household, begins to experience any symptoms of COVID-19, or tests positive, please do not attend training but please do notify us as soon as possible for contact tracing purposes.

We are following the England Touch protocols for your safety, sanitising all equipment before and after training sessions as well as providing hand sanitiser throughout.



Manchester Chargers membership offers much more than the average sports club. With fantastic coaches and friendly players you can't help but have a great time!

Sign up today

Use this link to sign up to become a member.

We have reviewed our database and the majority of memberships have now lapsed. We are keen to re-establish this going forward to ensure we are a strong and sustainable club.

As we begin a new phase of our growth, we will again be opening up to new members joining us too, so grab your friends/family/colleagues and bring them along, their first session is free!

Membership Costs

  • £120 or (£10 per month via Direct Debit)

  • £80 U18 & Full time Students (or £6.50 per month via Direct Debit)

Alternatively, if you want to pay as you go (PAYG) we will be charging £5.00 for each individual session.

Note: PAYG needs to be paid prior to attending, by bank transfer.

These are uncertain times for many and we never want cost to be a reason not to attend our sessions. If you have had a change of circumstances, financially, please speak to us to discuss options.

Membership Benefits As a Manchester Chargers member you’ll get;

  • Discounted On and Off Field Kit

  • Free training sessions^ throughout the year

  • Options to represent the club in local and national events

  • Training insurance

  • Club Membership to England Touch and associated benefits

  • Those taking on additional off field activities will qualify for a discount i.e. Coaching and Refereeing Courses

^ There may be additional extra sessions that may be charged for

*Starting 1st September, we will begin our yearly membership cycle.*

Note: Those individuals with existing membership will pay pro rota, to streamline everyone’s membership to be renewed at the same time so we can spend our time supporting players rather than doing additional administration. We will be in touch with you on individual amounts separately.

We hope that many of you will help support the club by paying the yearly membership so that we can continue to provide great training sessions, have new equipment and plan for the required winter facilities.

You can easily pay these fees into the following account, please ensure to reference your name when paying (no cash please!):

Account Details: Halifax Sort Code: 11-05-81 Account Number: 00571786

We have planned and modeled our are costs for the season as much as possible, so there should be no unexpected rises or additions, whilst keeping it as accessible as possible.


We are inviting our members to take a more active role in the running of the club. Our training strategy/plans will be developed over the coming weeks to cater for all levels/genders and we want your to be involved.

Role descriptions and are below for committee roles, and we'd welcome applications from our membership.

If you wish to discuss any of the roles before applying, please speak to Gregg or Becci at training, or email

We are keen to have more people involved in the running of YOUR CLUB!

To apply

Please email with an overview of your skillset and how you'd apply this to further the club in the role you're interested in.


  1. Sign up to train

  2. Read the Training/Play safety protocols and Self Screening Questionnaire

  3. Buy your membership

  4. Get involved in the running of the club

Look forward to seeing you soon!

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