C = Committed Action Frequent handwashing, social distancing, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth, follow guidelines.
H = Help others Kind words in a comment, help with a task or chore, a phonecall to a friends or family member, no matter how big or small, help.
A = Awareness Ask people how they're feeling, pay attention, use observation and listening skills and ask people how they'd prefer to be supported.
R = Respectful Avoid intrusive questions, treat everyone fairly, make yourself available to listen and treat information with respect and in confidence.
G = Gameplan Identify resources for help, assistance, support, and advice. Make sure you know the helpline numbers, including psychological help if required.
E = Empathy Only read reliable sources, listen and seek understanding, don't feel pressured to have the answers, see the individual and not their diagnosis.
R = Rationalise Rationalising the fear, these things are merely a set back. We will get through it, and come back stronger, together.
S = Safety First It’s worth repeating: disinfect your hands regularly, maintain social distancing (at least 1m) as much as possible (physical distancing – not cutting off emotionally), practice respiratory hygiene, If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.
Also check out things you can do whilst self isolating from our previous post.